
Sabres rattling for World War III


McLame becoming retarded ?

The blitzkreig Nazi-esque U.S. Invasion of Iraq is leading to World War III according to sources.

USAF portal



College Football

Michigan - Notre Dame


Check out the girl in the "RUDY SUCKS" t-shirt - what a sweetheart !

Iowa Conference Calls Playback

Playback of the Iowa Conference calls are available both by toll free number and by internet and downloadable mp3 to transfer to your home pc by, say, flash drive.
We will begin to get a complete list and links up for the convenience of blog viewers.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 18


800-796-7709 ; EXT 35029 #

Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 7


800-796-7709 ; EXT 35030 #

"The surge IS working"

The surge is definitely working - McLame's proclamation during a recent GOP debate is only affirmed by the IED threat now recognized within U.S. borders.

$10-12 billion per month times x years . . .

Ike had warned us all about you "true republican" neo-con empire builders.

Ronstock II at UNI in early November

August in Ames was fun, but November 5 is a big fundraising day for the campaign followed by the GOP debate from the University of Northern Iowa and MSNBC coverage all day on November 6.

Several bands - and the best venue on University Avenue - are needed, as the party lasts longer than any individual groups' gigs !


Brownback to drop out

Senator Brownback is expected to announce tomorrow that he will drop out of the GOP race after raising only $800,000 in the third quarter.

In comparison, Ron Paul raised more than Sen. Brownback in the final week of the third quarter alone with $1.2 million in contributions to total $5.08 million for the quarter.

Brownback is expected to seek the Kansas governor post in 2010.

"The other day, an 8-year-old boy handed me a small white envelope. It contained the $4.00 he had saved from his allowance, as a donation to our campaign. I can't tell you how seriously I take my responsibility to work hard, and spend frugally and effectively, to be worthy of his support, and yours.

Please help me keep working, even harder and more effectively, for all we believe in. Donate now https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate/ .

We have more than an election to win -
We have a country to save."

Ron Paul

Romney woos Evangelicals.

McLame well into single digits in Iowa -

- and is behind Ron Paul in campaign contributions after the third quarter.

October 17, 2007

OK, all you great Paul Patriots: Let's Talk About the Campaign: where we're
going and your part in the great momentum that's building.

At 9pm sharp, call: 1-800-611-6439. At the prompt, dial in 2008#, and you'll
be connected to the conference call in progress. You all will be on mute
initially, except for staff here in Des Moines, and then we will open it up for
all to ask questions and dialogue.

Pass on the word . . . and let's make it happen this Thursday and [NOTE THIS]
EVERY THRUSDAY AT 9PM to and including caucus night 3Jan08.
